Cowboy Dragon Read online

Page 10

  And in front of her, the only thing that could take her breath away more than the untamed landscape surrounding them.

  Harrison’s eyes shuttered slightly, even bluer in contrast to the gray all around, and he reached a hand up to cup the back of her head and entwine with her hair. She raised her mouth, already feeling the draw of the inescapable, pulling them toward each other as he leaned down.

  And when their lips met, another crack of lightning resounded over the earth even farther in the distance, shattering the silence as he kissed her with all the desire of a man possessed.

  Her breath escaped her lungs in a sigh as he deepened the kiss, tongue thrusting into her mouth as everything shifted from romantic to erotic. The rain continued to fall, dripping onto her cheeks and nose, soaking her hands, which still held on to Harrison like he was the only steady thing in this whole world.

  And deep within her, Marian felt purified, like the earth itself, cleansed by spring rain and made new again.

  The end of her old life.

  The beginning of a world she didn’t fully understand but that she was ready to accept with open arms.

  It was no longer about getting her car fixed. About having enough money to move on. Moving on was no longer an option when, somewhere between here and the Dragonclaw Ranch, her heart had taken up roots in the soil of the wild, open Texas wilderness.

  And that new heart beat for Harrison. A life with adventure and a sexy pair of piercing blue eyes watching her every move.

  Marian moaned as his tongue caressed her sensitive spots, and her body began to quiver from the dual sensation of the cool rain and a burning heat inside her that felt like it could evaporate it all with its scorching warmth.

  She just held on, not wanting the moment to end. Not wanting to forget this place out of time where earth and sky met, and in the middle, Harrison and herself.

  He finally pulled back, his thumb stroking a trail of water that had spilled down her cheek, and he leaned down to kiss off the remaining drops, tickling her skin and making her knees weak.

  At some point, she’d been crying, but the rain and Harrison had washed it all away.

  “So beautiful you put the elements to shame. My li’l cowgirl.” His voice was deep, soft. Gentle like a forest and full of anticipation like approaching rapids downriver.

  Before she could react, though, there was another crack of lightning, this one close enough it made Marian’s entire body jump, though it was still a mile or two away. She attached herself to Harrison, startled, just as the sky began to pour even heavier, dumping unimaginable amounts of rain on them, so thick you couldn’t see a hundred yards past it.

  “What do you say we get out of this here bad weather?” he asked, shielding her under him.

  “That sounds like a good idea to me!” she exclaimed, having to practically shout to hear herself over the precipitation falling like sheets on them.

  Harrison took them over to where Rusty was nibbling on a weed, unbothered by the storm, and he hefted himself up before offering her his hand.

  “What about Cookie?”

  “She’s halfway to the ranch now, I’d wager.”

  “What about the cattle?”

  “They aren’t going anywhere in this weather.” And sure enough, the two dozen head were mooing in annoyance as they took cover under a rocky outcropping not far from them. “They’ll be here when we get back. It’s you I’m more worried about. Can’t have you catching a cold.”

  She took his hand, and he lifted her up, this time to sit in front of him on the saddle as he moved back to make space for her. For some reason, there was something just right about it, the way his powerful thighs hugged her hips. The way his chest and arms brushed her back as he directed Rusty away from the Dragonclaw Ranch, the way he rode with ease as his other arm held her stomach steady against him.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “The ranch is too far a ride. There’s a small shack that’s used for rest stops and watering horses only a couple miles away. We’ll head there.”

  He kicked Rusty in a slow canter, and Marian just took in the sight of the soaked plains and held on to her cowboy as his hips pressed against her ass in ways that made her think of a different kind of riding she wanted to be doing right now.

  Between the spooked horse, Harrison’s gentle touch, and the most unforgettable kiss in the rain she’d ever had, Marian was soaked, and not just from the rain.

  She could only hope the dragon riding with her was thinking about the same thing.


  They were at the aforementioned place only a few minutes later, and Harrison helped Marian down off Rusty before he brought her into the wood and sheet metal shack, out of the rain.

  He disappeared for a moment, then came back in with Rusty’s saddle and tack and set it in the corner. The shack, though not more than ten feet square from end to end, was cozy and well-insulated, with food and stacks of water bottles in one corner and a bed with a simple wooden frame and several unwrapped sleeping bags.

  Her heart was racing, desperate for more of Harrison’s touch after such an intense moment with him.

  He opened a bottle and handed it to her, and she took a long drink, hoping to distract herself. But the sight of Harrison, shirt soaked through and sticking to his chest and abs and arms, was unbearable, and all she wanted to do was peel those clothes off and be skin to skin with him.

  “Are we still on your land?” she asked, finishing half the bottle.

  “Of course. There are little places like this all over that I have Reno keep stocked since there are thousands of acres of territory. It’s important to have somewhere to bed down if a thunderstorm hits like this.”

  His eyes shot to the bed, then back to her. His gaze was slow and intentional as it raked down her, settling on her chest, then lower to her hips. She was practically melting while he did it.

  Another crack of lightning, followed by the continuation of a thousand pitter-patters as rain slapped the tin roof.

  “What do we do now?”

  “Wait for the rain to settle down a bit. It should in an hour or two.” He tore his attention from her to look out a window, then seemed to be unable to help himself as he watched her hungrily a moment later.

  He busied himself by moving to the bed, undoing one of the sleeping bags, and laying it over the top. “Want to rest up while we wait?”

  “I can’t say I’m all that tired. What about you?” She took a step toward him, her feet squishing from all the water her boots had taken on. But she didn’t care.

  He let out a harsh breath, turning to face her. “Tired is about the last thing I am right now, Miss West.”

  “Call me Marian.”

  “Marian.” She saw his throat tighten as he gulped, and Marian felt a surge of excitement, just knowing she had this effect on such a handsome, commanding beast of a man. “What do you want, Marian?”

  She reached Harrison and put her hands on his chest, the thin fabric of his shirt still too much distance for her hungry fingers.

  “To feel everything.” She gasped lightly as he reached a hand to pull her unbuttoned shirt off one shoulder, the bared skin warm and begging for his mouth. “To feel you.”

  He growled as he leaned down to suck her shoulder, his mouth hot on her cool, damp flesh. With his hands, he pulled her shirt completely off both shoulders, where it plopped to the ground at her feet.

  “You make it hard to resist when you’re so… perfect.” His words reverberated down to her core as he kissed up her neck, pulling her bra strap and tank top off her shoulder so he had a perfect line up to her ear. She grasped his shirt as his warm tongue slid up the outer shell. And when he slowly nibbled her earlobe, her body started to ache for even more.

  He took his time, doing the same on the other side while she managed to pull his shirt off, leaving him in a soaked white undershirt.

  “Marian,” he murmured, kissing toward her cheek, making every inch of skin
he touched burn with warmth a hundred times stronger than the cold rain that had soaked them to the bone.

  He shed her tank top next, and his eyes widened with heat as his gaze settled on her breasts. She didn’t even wait for him to take it off, and she was topless in seconds, his big hands cupping and squeezing her sensitive flesh.

  She moaned, collapsing against his chest as his thumbs tweaked her nipples, her legs shaky and unsteady from the arousal. But she didn’t want to move an inch, so long as he kept touching her like this.

  Like she was everything in the world to him.

  He apparently noticed her legs about to give out, because a moment later, his hands moved to her ass, squeezing and lifting her easily upward until they were face to face. Her hips tightened from the sudden touch, and he leaned in to claim her mouth as he walked toward the bed.

  Harrison gently laid her back against the plush sleeping bag on top of the mattress as his tongue danced with hers, making her even wetter than she already was. He groaned against her as she pressed her hips against his thick length, and Marian wanted to see how many times she could make him make that sound before they were done.

  She started to pull his undershirt upward as his hand came between them, undoing her zipper while she kicked off her boots, which tumbled onto the floor. White, erotic fire shot up her back as his finger slid up her slit, over her panties, teasing her clit and pushing her toward an edge she was already standing dangerously close to right now.

  Marian just gaped in wonder up at the man that was quickly becoming her entire world. Wondered how she could feel close to someone, even after such a short time. How she could have such a strong connection with another person, the kind of connection she didn’t think was possible after the death of her father and nothing but heartbreak at the hands of the other men she’d tried to love but who’d only hurt her deeply in return.

  “Harrison, ah,” she cried his name, the sound almost drowned out by the rain as the warm steadiness of his finger moving against her clit over and over made her thighs tense.

  “Don’t hold anything back. Not from me.” Blue eyes watched her with such intensity it burned her soul as Harrison’s finger went faster, caressing her at just the right angle to make her orgasm come crashing over her in seconds.

  Everything clenched and released in quick succession to the cacophony of rain on metal, the warmth of Harrison’s body sheltering her from any cold she might have felt, allowing her to just relish the pure pleasure of the moment.

  By the time she could relax, he had tossed his hat aside and was pulling his undershirt the rest of the way off, leaving his chest bare to her. For a moment, he let Marian just feel the hard angles of his body, and she noted several scars on his chest and abdominals, proof of the difficult life this cowboy had lived through, each one with a story to tell.

  She wanted to hear every story his body had on it. Wanted to feel him on her, around her, inside her. As close as she could possibly be to him.

  He pulled her jeans off, which stuck to her skin from the dampness, leaving her just in her panties. She motioned for him to do the same, and he obliged her, his black boxer briefs doing nothing to hide his enormous cock from her view.

  The sight practically made her salivate.

  He strode over to a corner and clicked a button, and a space heater started to warm the small room, red elements glowing as she sat up on the bed to watch him. But he was back before she could even miss him, and he knelt at the edge of the bed, spreading her legs as his hands coursed down her body, filling all her senses.

  “Can’t leave any of these wet clothes on or you’ll catch a cold,” he said with a grin as he pulled her panties off, baring her completely to his affections.

  “No, we can’t have that, can we?” she replied, heart racing as his mouth neared her pussy. He grinned up at her hungrily, a split second before his tongue flicked up her slit, and the sensation was so powerful she arched against the creaky bed.

  It was even stronger than last time. Either because he knew her better or because the time they were spending together only furthered the emotion and want between them. Either way, he was intent on rocking her world, and Marian West couldn’t stop even if she wanted to.

  Her rasps of air got quicker as he went faster, her throat dry but her body wet as he showered her with his affection. He was in no rush, no hurry as he tortured her clit. And when her legs started to give out, he put them over his shoulders, holding her hips with one hand while the other spread her lips farther, giving him even better access to make wicked circles and long laves of his tongue that left her panting.

  She came while he was mid-lick, and the writhing of her body only pushed her deeper into his face, which he punished by sucking down on her lightly while she was still in the middle of her orgasm.

  Unbearable, frustrating cowboy.

  Wonderful, unforgettable man.

  She didn’t care she was screaming in pleasure. Only the storm and thunder answered her cries.

  This went on for a long time. He’d start by whispering hot promises to her, placing light kisses on her legs and around her mound, building her up slowly. And then within minutes, he was licking and sucking and ignoring her writhing body to bring her crashing upward into another incredible release, like it was literally the only thing he wanted to be doing right now.

  “How long do you plan on pleasuring me senseless, Harrison?” She let out a long, pent-up breath, turned on just by the way he watched her while she came.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He was pausing between orgasms, smoothing rough hands over the soft skin on her belly, her breasts, her legs and arms. Kissing where he saw fit. Loving her so completely she didn’t know where he hadn’t touched by now.

  “A girl has her limits, you know.” Of course, she hadn’t yet met a limit Harrison hadn’t exploded past with his… peculiar way of doing things.

  “And what’s yours, West?” His hands were on both her hips, and he pressed the center of his length up her center, making little lights of pleasure go off like sparks underneath her skin in anticipation.

  “I…” She gaped up at his huge body, his light-brown hair mussed by his hat and the rain, eyes blazing with lust as he pressed himself a little harder over her clit.

  So good. Give me more. Give me everything, cowboy.

  “Damn, I can’t think like this,” she said, gasping just at the thought of him driving deep inside her with that thick length.

  “Good.” He had the audacity to smirk at her in amusement.

  “I don’t know what my limit is. I haven’t found it yet.” In truth, she hadn’t found it because, before Harrison, no man had ever been able to make her happy this way.

  And now, with Harrison, she couldn’t think of any limit to how much of him she would want.

  He reached an arm down toward the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a small foil packet. Then he moved away from between her hips for a moment as he pulled his underwear off and put the condom on, then returned to her as she lay on her back, hips at the edge of the bed as he stood by her and positioned himself at her entrance. Her legs, tired from so many releases already, felt like jelly, but he pulled them around his midsection, supporting her completely as she felt his tip tease her.

  Oh God.

  “Would be a shame to not know how far you can go, wouldn’t it?” There was a hint of teasing in his voice, but it couldn’t mask his deep, husky voice as he looked down to the place where the two of them would meet in a second.

  “I suppose.” Adrenaline surged through her, giving Marian a second wind as sheer, taut waiting woke her body.

  “After all, it’s still rainin’.” He shrugged nonchalantly.

  “No point going outside just yet.” Each second he wasn’t inside her was like torture.

  And Harrison knew it.

  “Might as well make the best of our time.”

  She pounded a fist on the mattress. “Stop teasing me already and�
�” But her next word was a ragged, deafening moan from her own lips as he thrust into her, filling her from the inside out, stretching her in every direction with his sheer girth.

  So pleasurable. So tight. So perfect.

  “It’s rude to make a lady wait.” Harrison’s expression was tight, jaw taut as he seated himself all the way in, right over her G-spot, almost making her come right there.

  “You bet your ass it is,” she replied, once she had the ability to form sentences again.

  Somehow, nobody else in the world had the ability to frustrate, annoy, or get under Marian’s skin like Harrison.

  Or the ability to make her come so freaking hard.

  He didn’t rush, even though she almost wished he did. Instead, he made short half strokes with his cock, thrusting his thick, sculpted head over the extra-sensitive spot inside her, pushing her toward another release all at once.

  She made a mental note to try tying him up and seeing how long he could stand this kind of pleasure.

  He’d probably just rip through the ropes and fuck her senseless in retaliation, just because he could.

  “Harri… ah… damn.” Marian’s words were a spew of obscenities not fit to be within a hundred yards of any church as he reached a hand between them and stroked one finger up and down her clit while he continued to thrust.

  “Yes. Just feel it all. Let’s see how much you can take.”

  She couldn’t even look up at him to see if he was frowning, smirking, or winking (probably the latter) as he spoke, because an orgasm more powerful than any of the others had been was starting to tear through her insides like a freight train, making every corner of her body burn with arousal as he continued to stroke.

  He at least had the good manners to stop moving inside her for a second as everything clenched together and exploded outward. Even her vision blurred for a second, and she saw two or three Harrisons above her through her half-open eyes.


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